Amara said:
In addition, it is the ultimate deterrent. Imprisonment does not deter all offenders from committing crimes... the threat of capital punishment, as the harshest penalty has the ability to deter more potential offenders (and related to recidivism, totally deter convicted criminals).
I wonder though, is it easier to live with your crime or to die because of it? I mean, when contemplating murder, would one be more likely to do it thinking "I'll have to live with this for the rest of my life, sitting in jail with my guilt," or "I'll do it and it will all be over with soon."
I think, in my opinion at least, living in a cage for the rest of my life would be a bigger deterant than death.
And having said that, if the deterant is the issue, why not introduce torture? Surely living under torture for the rest of your life would be the biggest deterant? Has the point of justice become that of creating a deterant against crime? Should it be?