How To Get Rid Of Facial Hair?


Well-Known Member
heres an experiment if you want to know if it works. Shave half of your face and see if it comes in thicker than the other half. Experiments like this one has been done since the 20s, and it was disproven that hair doesn't grow in thicker after shaving, it only LOOKS like it does. Medical journals like J Invest Dermatol and Anatomical Record disprove the myth.
Glockmatic said:
In an article titled "On beards, no beards, and other hairy problems" in the April 1972 issue of Science Digest, Dr. Herbert Mescon, then professor and chairman of the department of dermatology at Boston University was quoted as saying: "There are a number of myths about shaving. It is not true that shaving makes whiskers darker or coarser or grow faster."

In the October 1963 issue of Science Digest, an article titled "What happens when you shave" included the following:
i also read on the internet that they found Atlantis in the Greek Iles

oh yea real clever, articles from the 1960s and 1970s.

i wouldn't doubt that you also googled how to have sex
^^lol do youse 2 have past beef or sumthing????

i was just thinkin what if i was to trim.. woudlnt this mean no extra hair would grow?? just the ones that appear will continue to grow


Well-Known Member
bigmack said:
i also read on the internet that they found Atlantis in the Greek Iles

oh yea real clever, articles from the 1960s and 1970s.

i wouldn't doubt that you also googled how to have sex
you still haven't posted those medical journals that you said you read your things from. Sorry that i don't have medical magazines beside me or even care about getting them since we're debating over an old wives tale, whats next? You arguing that drinking water upside down will cure hick ups?
Glockmatic said:
you still haven't posted those medical journals that you said you read your things from. Sorry that i don't have medical magazines beside me or even care about getting them since we're debating over an old wives tale, whats next? You arguing that drinking water upside down will cure hick ups?
post medical journals? i'm not going to waste hours of my time typing something out because you've already proven to everybody that you're an idiot.i suggest you go to your local library and pickup a book and lay off the internet for a little bit.

illuminatile,what has changed since the 60s or 70 regarding this matter? well technology for one thing,which enables us to understand things better and make more valid conclusions.cmon man you're smarter than that.

and glockmatic im not going to argue with you no more. enjoy all the free space to copy and paste all you want from the net.


Well-Known Member
wasting hours of your time typing out the NAME of the medical journal? So you're admiting you're wrong and instead of saying that you resort to petty name calling. Good job!
bigmack said:
illuminatile,what has changed since the 60s or 70 regarding this matter? well technology for one thing,which enables us to understand things better and make more valid conclusions.cmon man you're smarter than that.
Technology that helps us better understand whether facial hair grows back thicker after shaving? I'm sure that's been everyone's top priority.
Illuminattile said:
Technology that helps us better understand whether facial hair grows back thicker after shaving? I'm sure that's been everyone's top priority.
lol, ud be amazed into how much money they put into research over small things. i ant got no example but that should be kinda general knowledge:thumb:
i have a 15 year old friend who has a full beard, he has more facial hair than me, and im 21. he hates it, im pretty sure he just shaves his cheeks n shit tho, like i do. lifes too fuckin short to be worrying about the hair on ur face, shave it off and carry on with ur life
Pittsey said:

3 pages arguing about facial hair.

Waxing removes the hair folicle so shouldn't affect thickness.
i cant wax since evertime i do my skin gets iritated and does get back to normal after a 2/3 weeks which by then i have to wax again :(
Originally Posted by Glockmatic
facial hair doesn't grow in thicker when you shave it, if that was true people who shave their heads would have a hair overload.
Hes right, when you shave it cuts the hair at an angle so it feals like it comes in thicker because its more corse, and i can tell you for a fact that if you shave your head the hair dont grow back thicker, iv'e been shaving my head bald for the last 5 years and it dont grow any thicker than before.

Bobby Sands

Well-Known Member
What do you guys think of sideburns in general.I have them just over my cheek.

Is having hair on your cheeks considered disgusting?because i always have it.I like being scruffy.


Well-Known Member
Tupac Tha Great said:
What do you guys think of sideburns in general.I have them just over my cheek.

Is having hair on your cheeks considered disgusting?because i always have it.I like being scruffy.
I think side burs are complete fuckin rank!!!!

A bit of stubble is alright though.

Bobby Sands

Well-Known Member
I think side burs are complete fuckin rank!!!!

A bit of stubble is alright though.
Are you a boy or a girl?

Do you mean sideburns that come down past your cheek or any length of sideburns.?Iv had them since i was 16.I cant imagine myself without them now.
hair growing back thicker after shaving is ridiculous and not true. if it was wouldnt anybody be able to grow facial hair? a lot of people in their 20s cant. my brother is 23 and has barely any facial hair besides on his upper lip and some on his chin. and yes he shaves his whole face but it makes no difference. its natural for your hair to grow out thicker on ur face when u get older. aand one of my friends used to shave his legs. when he stopped it grew back to the way it used to look, no thicker than it used to be.

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