S O F I said:
Well, what's worse? Living in the society as a homosexual adult, or as a straight adult with two homosexual parents? When I look around, the homosexuals that have "come out of the closet" maintain to live healthy and satisfying lives. If they can, straight adults with gay parents definitely can. My point is, I think some kids might go through those things due to their parents, but I think they will manage just fine as they grow into adults. An adult won't care if somebody goes and says "AHHH, YOUR DAD IS GAY!" You know?
No adult will ever say that, most adults become too modest, but I know what you mean. Modesty can create fear because you wouldn't know what that person really feels or thinks about you. But a good friend won't be modest with you. Would you agree that an adult would care if a friend did say "AHHH, YOUR DAD IS GAY!"? Creating fear in the process because he wouldn't know what his friend will do. I guess it would depend on what type of friend he is.