Silleone said:
i obviosuly dont mind the ones that save lives but the illegal ones such as cocaine and shit need to stay illegal, infact i am against most drugs that cause u not to be incontrol of yourself.
another thing, i cant stand those people that say "i do it to escape reality", as soon as the high wares of your gonna be back in reality anyway so whats the point.
Ah... the illegal/legal concept. No surprise. I think if we knew more about certain drugs (illegal ones for example) then there would be better ways to regulate them, rather than label them 'illegal'.
Why do Artists come out with some amazing creative stuff when they be a user of 'hard' drugs? This is the one area science has no good explanation or understanding. How can a 'bad' drug bring out some unique creativity?
Do you smoke Silleone? I feel the people who say they do it to escape reality are like a smoker who has a cigarette when he gets stressed.
not_really_ken said:
Drugs are bad!!! WHY?
First off they cost money, your wasting money on an addiction which is a temporary solution to your problems and makes you feel worse when youcoke back down from the high.
Also drugs can takeover your life and become a priority. meaning that you will steal and abuse the trust of your closest people in order to get a hit. you will lie and cheat people in order to get a hit if it ever comes to that (which is highly likely).
What has money got to do with anything? I could say that money is just as bad as drugs, if not worse. As for them being a solution - check out my comment on smokers above.
People lie anyways, drugs or no drugs. And why? = Money and Power. See how Money can be compared to drugs, and where the evil fits in? As for stealing, there are far more worse things that are stole that aren't material- like respect, etiquette.
People who use drugs are concerned more about their feeling than material possessions. People who get stole from by the people who use drugs are more concerned with their possessions than others feelings!
MX Red said:
What ever your outlook on drugs, the truth is prohibition doesnt work and causes more net harm than legalisation...prohibition has failed on its own terms, we need a new solution or we will suffer the same.
Exactly!! The illegal concept doesn't work, that's why I say we need to know more about the illegal drugs before we can erradicate the problems we see with those who misuse them and fall victim to addiction/crime etc through drugs.
AmerikazMost said:
Obviously I'm OK with the medical drugs. As for the recreational drugs.. if you can't control yourself with them, then you shouldn't be using them. I mean if you'd become addicted, would die, o rwould put yourself in a position that could hurt yourself or others. This is the gray area for marijuana. Personally, I never did it, but if you can use it without endangering someone, then go for it. View it the same way as beer and alcohol.
As long as you don't over-indulge then there is no reason to be calling the use of drugs 'bad'. Just like drinking too much is bad for you. I think everone has this concept that 'illegal' drugs are 'bad' full stop, and IMO this is shallow.
Kman_69 said:
i've tried pretty much every drug ONCE.
and out of all of them, id have to say the only one that was benefitial to me was opened my mind to so many thing, i was able to understand much more about the universe than before, and i wrote poetry that i ordinarily wouldnt have written.... i also reached a state of happiness that i've never known before...with really no side effects.
oh yeah, and it made the Beastie Boys concert the best concert ive EVER been to lol (they were dope tho!)
Herin lies the benefit of drug usage! A side of drugs that is misunderstood, except for those that use it. How ironic... It's only those that don't use them or never have, who make judgements on those that use drugs, their effects and how they should be used.
It's good to experiment (sometimes).
Luv4Pac4Ever said:
Not really sure myself. On one hand, I think marijuana should be legal because it doesn't have the kinds of effects as other drugs like cocaine, crack, meth, etc. I don't know of anyone that would lie, cheat and steal to get weed like your common crackhead does. Maybe that's just me, but I don't see anyone doing that just to get weed. I've never seen anyone wig out from being high off of weed but I sure as hell have seen em do it on coke. Most of the crack addicts will do anything to get that fix but most weed heads I know just act all hyper until they get that blunt, they don't go out and rob anybody or sell everything they own to get it.
They say people get addicted to crack because you never get the same high as you do the first time you do it and they keep doing it trying to get that high again and it doesn't happen. I guess that's true but I haven't asked any crackheads so I don't know lol Anybody know if that's the case? I haven't tried any kind of drugs although I smoke weed every now and again, usually just on Friday nights when I go out, so I don't know a whole lot about the effects of them or the reason for getting addicted to them. I don't smoke alot so I'm not addicted to weed and I never will be. It's not something I can't live without. If I don't go out, I don't smoke and it doesn't bother me to not have it. And I lived what I guess you could call a sheltered life of sorts because I never knew anything about any kind of drug, including weed until I was 20 years old. Never seen it, never knew anything about it. And I never even tried smoking weed until I was like 25 and the first couple times I tried it, it made me physically sick so I never tried it again til just a few years ago. I know, I sound like a Ms Goody-goody but I'm not really, I just never hung around with that type of people until I got out on my own. Now I'm mostly around alot of black people, as far as work and clubbing and stuff and you know a brother be smoking some weed lol
Again the legal/illegal concept. As MX Red explained 'prohibition doesn't work'.
Moderation is good if you can control your use. The people who abuse cannabis too much, as with any drug, are more likely to experience problems in later life.
Kosen said:
No drug should be legalized except for those soley used for medicinal purposes. The legalization of drugs will slow productivity, which will subsequently slow the economy. Moreover, it will eventually become counter-productive with crime and such. An example of a society that was destroyed by drugs is China during the Qing dynasty. Opium was not legal, but it had become so ubiqutious in chinese society that it wouldnt be uncommon for 1/3 of the population near sea ports to be stoned out of their minds.
This is totally one sided. So you suggest that Alcohol be made illegal? Cigarettes?
MX_Red said:
... drugs should be legal because we have a natural right to use drugs
Free da weed!