The decline of morals has been intersting and prince mack, ofcourse friends influnece your morals.
Islamically this is a truth and recent interviews with the F.B.I agents who dealth wit the paedos in that 'candy something' operation one of them said 'these people know it's wrong, but they connect with other in order to find affirmation in what they doing. See when people do wrong in public it gives other people affirmation and confidence to do it themselves. Alcohol is another 'solution' to having a lack of morals. Doing bad always makes people feel bad so they turn to alcohol for approval of their wrongs. "Alcohol! the cause and solution to lifes problems". there are many things that people find accpetance in, consumerism (cnsumer is the word for the devil in an old english dictionary) is another source, hence the retail therapy. All these immoral actions need people finding somekind of therapy.
But what's just even worse is that instead of viewing it as a sin, society just deems it o.k to do immoral things (no longer immoral at this point). 'hey let it all hang out, do what you want, you only have one life' etc. Then people are amazed that they find no peace in their lives and they end up at psychiatrists needing help with their mental state, becasue in reality their consicous is troubled. But the psychiatrist just tells him 'hey there's nothing wrong with you, you just have low self esteem' lol. And the cycle continues, finding affirmation in bulsshit includding people who are in the same position as them - alcohololic anon - gamblers anon
An arabic poet once noted that 'the legacy of bad company is that you walk away thinking evil of good people'. remember that next time your with someone who is back biting and slandering someone else, you'll be amazed, the worse the persons heart the worse their slandering of good people, or exaggeration of a persons wrongs.
And people always bring up the point of children parents and that whole cycle, but I think that society is teachin young children how to rebel against authoirty at a very young age. My nephew recently told me that the teachers at his school told him that if his parents smack him (what a vague term to a child) then this is how you ring the police. I was pissed off, because at one time they used to teach children ABC as the first thing they learn, now they teach them how to rebel against their parents the first authority they ever know. It's bullshit and it's rife in societies. Is society lacking in morals, no! Because we made sure we didn't have to feel bad by making sure all the wrongs have become viewed as o.k