"Iza atat laka madammatia min nakisen fa'innaha'l shahadato lia annani kamilo"
(arabic, mutanabi)
ie: being criticized by a fool is the best compliment
"vanity is definitely my favorite sin"
(Al Pacino playing the devil in "the devil's advocate")
"Audace Fortuna Juva" (Caesar i think)
fortune smiles upon the audacious (literal translation)
"in vino veritas"
"opportunities multiply as they are ceased" (Sun Tzu)
"it's easy to spot a smart person, he always has the same opinions as you"
"How do you make a million $ in the stock market?
you start with ten million and you loose nine"
'They' would still claim Tupac could be quoted to a more effective extent
pac could be quoted as a poet, not as a wise guy