tupacmansion said:
Amara, You make it sound as if these people are scared to convert. May be they have belief in their own religion and they don't want to convert. Maybe they have read the contradictions of the bible and are afraid of commiting their life to those cntradictions.
Also their is nothing wrong with discussing their beliefs, but you can't force your beliefs on another person as the missionaries have tried.
Another thing you say is that they will be given religous freedom and choice. They are being forced into religion through not having a choice(due to starvation) and yet you still paradoxically say that they will be given a choice. And what tells u that they don't have choice or freedom. Or r u jus making assumptions that every non westernised country is a dicatorship, where the people have no voice and no rights.
Also their is nothing wrong with discussing their beliefs, but you can't force your beliefs on another person as the missionaries have tried.
Another thing you say is that they will be given religous freedom and choice. They are being forced into religion through not having a choice(due to starvation) and yet you still paradoxically say that they will be given a choice. And what tells u that they don't have choice or freedom. Or r u jus making assumptions that every non westernised country is a dicatorship, where the people have no voice and no rights.
I do not believe the Christian missionaries were imposing their beliefs and denying aid, but that it is a trumped-up media portrayal designed to stimulate hate - perhaps I did not make that clear enough in my comments. If anything, I believe there is much more to this story that what was said in the article, particularly as to why they left. If aid workers come in, naturally they will discuss their beliefs. The strength of the Hindu community would suggest to me that despite the presence of Christians, the majority of their beliefs will be retained. So, instead it should be viewed as a situation to potentially bridge a gap between religions through compassion and shared learning - the presence of Christians should not be viewed negatively, but instead should be respected for their right to freedom of speech, as should the Hindus and the as for the individual people - well whatever they chose to learn from this is their choice! (so I dunno where you got that dictatorship crap from).