Animal Testing


Well-Known Member
Haha I forgot I posted this or I would've replied a long time ago.

Most of you who have replied only take a look at shamppos and make-ups in reference to this testing. Don't forget that animal testing has led to numerous scientific and medical advancements. Including (but not limited to):

Vaccines (including SMALL POX and diptheria)
Blood pressure drugs
German measles vaccine
Numerous trasnplants
And let's not forget all the knowledge we have gained

Of those vaccines, no less than 21 were discovered for humans and no less than 56 now aid to the health of animals. Animal testing just doesn't help humans, it helps the animals themselves too.

Plus more than 60% of all animals tested are rats or mice, animals we readily consider pests.

As for the pain and well-being of the animals, the U.S. Government issued the Animal Welfare Act that protects animals as much as possible consider the testing they must go through for the benefit of the world.
Shouldn't ban totally, just have it more controlled.

They should do tests on animals, but not so much as to kill them. Kind of - do a few tests, collect the data then release them back into the wild. Sure would be kinda cool seeing Rats running round the streets with a human ear on its back searching for tab ends 'cause it's gagging for a fag.
Nah (jk) I'm just imagining things.

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