Technology Android


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looks like t-mobile won't get the device dammit!! they used to have a good selection of android devices. looks like i might stick with the G2 then for one more year. hoping that ICS will come be available for it in the near future.


Staff member
I like the phone and all but I'm more excited about Ice Cream Sandwich than the phone itself. I might not be able to get all the features since stuff like Panorama seems to be built-in, but I'm still stoked on the folders feature, beam, the UI in general, face unlock, etc. In other words, I still think my Nexus S looks sexier when it comes to hardware :). I had the opportunity this past weekend to hold and look at the Galaxy Nexus (which I was led to believe was still Nexus Prime) and found it a bit too bulky for me.


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Now I really like its design, I think it look more awesome than Galaxy S2.
But yup, my problem with Galaxy Nexus would be that I wish it was a bit smaller. But if it turns out to be quite lightweight, the 5mpx camera is good and the price is quite okay and there's nothing more awesome announced by the end of the year I might replace my Xperia Arc with it, since I'm not super satisfied with that phone for its price.
I still hope for a slightly smaller version of the Galaxy Nexus from Samsung. I wonder when will they announce new phones.

On a side note Steve Ballmer dissed the Google/Samsung event. He said that it is very hard to be excited about Android phones and that they're for computer scientists, lol.


Trumpfan17 aka Coonie aka Dilla aka Tennis Dog
They're saying the GN was designed with Apple patents in mind and avoiding Apple fucking Samsung on another front. Interesting.


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This is what three years of innovation looks like, from the perspectives of the two mobile giants.... lol

Also, Steve Ballmer's quote was the stupidest thing I've ever heard. My 11 year old niece has an Android phone (HTC Wildfire S). So does my stepmother.... and damn near everyone I know in between. They all love the OS. None of them are "computer scientists" or whatever Ballmer said. Most of them aren't even technologically inclined. Ballmer is out of touch and lives in a fantasy world. I guess you'd have to be in a reality world to think anyone gives a shit about WP7.

Anyway, given the similarity in the hardware, I hope an ICS update is forthcoming for the SGS2.


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Casey, It should be. Even Sony Ericsson mentioned ICS support for this year's models (single core).

If it comes to Ballmer's quote yeah, I was very surprised. I knew that he isn't the best CEO around but I didn't know that he could say something that stupid. But that was probably a nod to the Nokia "community" that is very closed and separated from the real tech world, thinking that Nokia is the best company ever and Samsung, Google and others are crap. A very annoying community actually, more than Apple community at times because they tend to be even more ignorant and backwards.

I see. I tend to skitter around the circle jerk posts, but might have missed yours on accident.
Circlejerk where? I haven't seen one lately. Just comments on the ICS release and Galaxy Nexus, pretty fair imho.


Trumpfan17 aka Coonie aka Dilla aka Tennis Dog
ICS isn't the basis of this entire thread, is it? But it's there.

Speaking of ICS, you think CM will be able to at least get the UI from ICS to work on older phones, like the Droid 1? Kinda curious if the GB updates are the end of the lime for the Droid and CM.


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I heard November 10th for GNex release. I heard "soon" for when ICS will be open-sourced into AOSP. But most likely the major OEMs already have it. Obviously Samsung already have access to the source and chances are, are already hard at work on the ICS update for the NS and SGS2 family at the least.

I think Moto said Q1 for ICS to hit their premium devices like the new Droid RAZR etc.


Staff member
also, i love that feature when someone calls you, you can shoot that text real quick. there were apps for that before apparently but I didn't know.


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Asus debuts Transformer Prime tablet with quad-core Nvidia Tegra 3

By Daniel Bader on October 20, 2011 at 6:36am in Mobile News

Asus teased a few days ago that it would be launching its follow-up to the reasonably successful (for an Android tablet) Asus Transformer tablet in the coming weeks. Now, during the AsiaD conference in Hong Kong, company Chairman Jonney Shih unveiled the 8.3mm quad-core tablet dubbed Transformer Prime.

At this point we don’t know too much about the Tegra 3 inside the Transformer other than it has four cores (actually five), and that it will offer up to 3x the GPU performance of its Tegra 2 predecessor. Shih, in unveiling the Transformer Prime, claims that it will be the first tablet to market with Nvidia’s new chipset, along with a 10″ screen, SD slot and mini-HDMI port. The other good news is that although it will ship with Honeycomb, the device will get Ice Cream Sandwich soon, likely before the end of the year.
The official unveiling of the Transformer Prime is coming November 9th, but he showed off a working prototype to Walt Mossberg, and it’s definitely a looker. The Tegra 3 chipset should power many new tablets in the new year, with smartphones coming a few months later as they transition to a more mature manufacturing process. In addition to extra speed, Tegra 3 promotes up to 60% power reduction in some areas compared to Tegra 2 performing the same tasks. This is due not only to the more efficient design, but by being developed for mobile right from the start.
Source: Engadget
Via:Phone Arena


Trumpfan17 aka Coonie aka Dilla aka Tennis Dog
What I don't understand is how you call a phone like the RZR a "high-end" phone yet it still has an eight month old OS on it. I understand that the GN has to have it first, but "Q1 of 2012?" Fuck off. If Motorola Mobile, who is owned by Google themselves, can't get their hands on ICS until "2012," that means no one else gets it until this Summer of next year.


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wtf, son. I have a single core in my laptop and a quad core on my PC and this thing will have 5 of them?

"Hey, my phone has 2 cores, yay I can do EVERYTHING with it, I'm the king of the world."
"Hey, my phone has more cores than your computer - your life has no meaning"
"Hey, my phone has more cores than your computer, laptop, xbox* and your head combined together, I can navigate space shuttles with my new Samsung Galaxy (pun), count pi in a milisecond and use its GPU to render the universe in real time. Oh, and it also makes calls. What's next?"

*judging by smartphone CPU evolution the next Xbox will have like a gazillion of cores.


Knock, Knock...
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Asus debuts Transformer Prime tablet with quad-core Nvidia Tegra 3

By Daniel Bader on October 20, 2011 at 6:36am in Mobile News

Asus teased a few days ago that it would be launching its follow-up to the reasonably successful (for an Android tablet) Asus Transformer tablet in the coming weeks. Now, during the AsiaD conference in Hong Kong, company Chairman Jonney Shih unveiled the 8.3mm quad-core tablet dubbed Transformer Prime.
At this point we don’t know too much about the Tegra 3 inside the Transformer other than it has four cores (actually five), and that it will offer up to 3x the GPU performance of its Tegra 2 predecessor. Shih, in unveiling the Transformer Prime, claims that it will be the first tablet to market with Nvidia’s new chipset, along with a 10″ screen, SD slot and mini-HDMI port. The other good news is that although it will ship with Honeycomb, the device will get Ice Cream Sandwich soon, likely before the end of the year.
The official unveiling of the Transformer Prime is coming November 9th, but he showed off a working prototype to Walt Mossberg, and it’s definitely a looker. The Tegra 3 chipset should power many new tablets in the new year, with smartphones coming a few months later as they transition to a more mature manufacturing process. In addition to extra speed, Tegra 3 promotes up to 60% power reduction in some areas compared to Tegra 2 performing the same tasks. This is due not only to the more efficient design, but by being developed for mobile right from the start.
Source: Engadget
Via:Phone Arena
Now if I could just find a reason to justify 4 cores on a tablet. I won't be playing games.... So what needs this CPU?


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Actually 5, and nothing would use it at the moment. There's a race amongst manufacturers though, because Qualcomm is about to release a quad core next year and a bigger amount of cores would mean a huge advantage.

The point is that consumers don't really know what they want, so if someone gave them what they really needed they wouldn't even buy it. It's easier to add 2 more cores, raise prices and count money because people believe that these devices will make their lives better.


Well-Known Member
What Ballmer meant to say is that Android users are usually as smart as computer scientists, while Windows phone users will graduate special school with enough time, effort and the help of others. They're basically able to serve themselves and follow daily duties.

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