All you Americans need to pull your heads out of asses. Stop being ignorant. "Oh, well what our government does isn't necessarily what everyone wants, so they don't represent everyone, which means that it's the government you should blame and not the country itself." FUCK OFF. Sorry about the language, but this is worse than the idiot in my Environmental class who said that you make steel from coal. This is the government that America's forefather's chose - a representative democracy. Now this government is chosen by the majority of voters (if you can't the the time out of your busy life to vote for the men who will decide the policies that will affect every aspect of your life, then you shouldn't be considered a citizen, so I don't care what the non-voters think), and this government is what makes, interprets, and enforces the laws and policies of the country. Thus, the government IS the country. I don't care if we had a direct democracy and everyone voted on everything (which would never happen, because Americans only like to bitch about the cost of things like gas and college tuition and not actually do anything about it), the whole population still wouldn't be represented. It's impossible! No one will ever agree on everything.
The fact is that right now America is Bush and his administration, and that's why I have no pride at the moment. How can I be proud of this?