Obama Watch


New York's Ambassador
I've always wanted a pragmatic, intellectual, somewhat-left-of-center president. Honestly, I knew the populist crusader of the campaign would turn into, well, the editor of the Harvard Law Review once in office. But I kept my mouth shut. And, unlike most of my friends, I got more or less the president I wanted. So I'll do my best to enjoy the guy while he's still around.


Well-Known Member
Does anyone agree with Lupe Fiasco?

America was based on a hypocrisy and what we had done is basically an extension of that hypocrisy. My issue and what I try and do is expose that hypocrisy but expand the conversation to make it honest. To make the conversation honest so it speaks to everyone so people become educated to those things. So for me it boils down to everything that America does. It’s foreign policy is very hypocritical, it’s very backwards. We don’t count the other bodies, for us the war is one-way. And they’re not even wars of attrition, not even honest wars. They’re not wars that were like wars that were fought 200 years ago or wars that were fought a hundred years ago. These are wars that are based on business. These are wars that are based on “let’s build these drones and we gotta try this technology but we need to make sure it works so we need to at least kill X amount of people so we can prove the value of this particular project that we spent 40 billion dollars on,” so to speak. And you multiply times how many things are going through the Pentagon military industrial complex.

So when I make the statement about Obama being a terrorist it was funny because somebody had did it … on one of the blogs or one of the news pieces or one of the internet sites that actually ran with the story or re-put it out, one of the people in the commentary related the whole situation to Osama bin Laden right? And Osama bin Laden was the unquestioned head of Al Qaeda, he was the mastermind, he was a financier, he was a politician, he orchestrated things for al-Qaeda and what have you, but Osama bin Laden wasn’t a suicide bomber. He wasn’t a soldier. If he was a suicide bomber he would be dead, because his first mission there would be no more Osama bin Laden. Other than the time that he spent in Afghanistan, as far as we know he was never the one running in to the supermarkets shooting people, he was never the one running into the mosque shooting people, he was never one at the roadside setting up IEDs, he didn’t fly the planes into the buildings or anything like that. He was the mastermind, the financier and what have you. And some instances the way al-Qaeda is set up there’s certain things that Osama bin Laden probably didn’t even know about that was occurring all throughout the Middle East, all throughout North Africa and in the U.S. as well. So he’s a terrorist even though he never really did a terrorist act.

So they related it to Obama and they said well Obama is kinda in the same light. Every President before him and every President that comes after him that still pushes aggression first. Whereas Obama never killed anybody. Him himself. He doesn’t know how to fly a stealth fighter. He never piloted a drone from a hundred miles away and dropped a bomb on a wedding or a birthday party. But at the same time too he should receive the same amount of credit for those actions of the people that are under him and the organizations that he heads. He should receive the same credit and the same title that Osama bin Laden gets. What’s the difference between somebody walking a bomb in strapped to their chest into a wedding full of innocent people or a bomb coming from a stealth fighter two miles up and coming into the roof into a wedding full of innocent people? What’s the difference? At the end of the day you’re killing innocent people. So for me it’s — and that’s from somebody else that was from somebody spectating and commentating on the situation. So as long as they can inspire things like that then I feel that it’s a just and a real honest and critical conversation that we’re having right now. It’s inspiring this type of thought, for people to start thinking critically about what’s going on. I can sit out and fully — ya’ know if it was in a political context and we sat down and had the real political discourse and I went and quoted all of the books I read and documentaries I’ve seen and the knowledge and the numbers and the statistics that I have — I can explain why, what, when and where to a tee. But in the state that we live in and the way the media’s run and the way the internet works I’m at the mercy of the soundbite and I’m at the mercy of the attention span of 140 characters on Twitter and things of that nature. I think there’s a certain level of hypocrisy that this country was founded on and I’m just kinda trying to find out the effects of it now. If that makes any sense?
Does anyone agree with Lupe Fiasco?
Yes. He is very awake, as are most truth seekers.

This isn't really directed at anyone....

It doesn't matter who gets in, they are all controlled by the same puppet masters. It's only until American's in mass wake up to just how hard they are being raped then take a stand by being the change they want to see, by living by example - will things start to really change. Divide and conquer as the saying goes, the powers that be have known this for thousands of years, they also know that the true power is with unified individuals coming together on common ground within the energy of love, compassion, peace and health.

How many folks can we honestly say (that we know) who are truly loving towards all of humanity, express compassion for all of their fellow man and not simply because they may have the same views, religious practices or like the same sport team. Have true peace in their hearts and will do their best to avoid conflicts at all costs, how many do we know that take the responsibility of their own health into their own hands by healthy living and food choices? I can say for sure, I can't even count the amount of people that I know who live by those principles on one hand.

Keep everyone in fear, create fake wars to put the country into further debt, blame some other poor bastards that we help fund, play both sides, then you are sure to always have the winning hand.

To all of you who had a problem with Bush, but somehow see Obama as a savior or simply a better president, or who are hoping for some great big change with the next puppet, you really need to wake up and learn some things from non main stream corporate news. I don't mean that as an attack, just saying :) and sure flame me if you disagree, nothing new there :D

I ain't got nothing but love for you all, but I really don't have the time or patience anymore for retards that think they know what's going on when they only get the majority of their knowledge from mainstream news, you know, the news that is scripted, bought and paid for by the same schmucks they are reporting about.

Peace out.
Obama’s Legacy Is Not Obamacare; It’s the TPP

The Trans-Pacific Partnership Will Help Define President Obama’s Legacy

The Origins and Evolution of the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP)

Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP): Job Loss, Lower Wages and Higher Drug Prices

“NAFTA of the Pacific” and the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP): Washington’s Hidden Agenda is to Isolate and Subordinate China November 29, 2011

The Trans-Pacific Partnership: A Global Coalition of Big Business Actors July 05, 1012

Towards Global Government:? Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP). Corporate Escape From Accountability July 02, 2012

The Trans-Pacific Partnership: Empowering Corporations to Attack Nations July 12, 2012

Obama’s “Employment Creation” Program: Massive Outsourcing of American Jobs September 10, 2012

The Trans-Pacific Partnership’s “Global Economic Coup”: Secret Negotiations Behind Closed Doors September 13, 2012

The Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), An Oppressive US-Led Free Trade Agreement, A Corporate Power-Tool of the 1% April 2, 2013

Upcoming Trans-Pacific Partnership Looks Like Corporate Takeover May 16, 2013

Obama’s Super Secret Treaty Which Will Push The Deindustrialization Of America Into Overdrive June 3rd, 2013

Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP): The Terrible Plutocratic Plan July 21, 2013

Militarization and The Trans-Pacific “Strategic Economic” Partnership November 10, 2013

The Trans-Pacific Partnership and Its Critics October 22, 2013

The Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPPA): When Foreign Investors Sue the State November 10, 2013

Wikileaks Release: Secret TPP Treaty. Text of Negotiated Draft of the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) Intellectual Property Rights Chapter November 13, 2013

Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP): A Corporate Coup d’Etat – Handcuffs Governments, Gives New Powers to Corporations November 18, 2013

US Bullying at TPP Negotiations for Big Pharma Profits November 23, 2013

NAFTA on Steroids, Three “Secret” Concurrent “Free Trade” Deals: Can the TPP, the TTIP and CETA be Stopped? December 17, 2013

Trans Pacific Partnership Is A “Corporatist Power Grab”, Shrouded In “Big Brother-Like Secrecy” December 24, 2013

Bipartisan New World Order: Fast Tracking the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) January 20, 2014

TPP - power to the corporations at the expense of the planet February 17, 2014

Secret Plan to Advance Global Internet Censorship. ISPs to Act as “Internet Police” April 23, 2014

The Trans-Pacific Partnership and “Police Militarization”: The Coming Calamity, The Coming Resistance July 23, 1014

Another Secret Trade Agreement – TISA June 25, 2014

Profits Before Health: The Next Chapter of the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) October 11, 2014

The secretive Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) will increase patent protection for the benefit of big pharmaceutical companies. October 21, 2014

Despite Outcry of Opposition, Obama Pushes "Horrific" Trade Deal in Asia November 10, 2014

Obama’s Secret Treaty Would Be The Most Important Step Toward A One World Economic System November 12, 2014

Updated Secret Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPP) October 18, 2014
Stop The Fast Track To A Future Of Global Corporate Rule. The Dangers Underlying the TPP and TTIP “Trade Agreements” March 12, 2015

Lawmakers Say TPP Meetings Classified To Keep Americans in the Dark March 17, 2015

Civil Society, Environmentalists Firmly Opposed to Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) April 8, 2015

Don't Let TPP Gut State Laws April 19, 2015

Obama, Republicans push anti-China trade pact April 23, 2015

The Trans-Pacific Partnership and the Death of the Republic April 24, 2015

What Is Obama Up To, With His TPP and TTIP? What Will Remain of Local National Governments? April 26, 2015

NYT Lets Economic Pundit Disappear TPP’s Economist Critics April 27, 2015

Obama, Corporate “Free Traitors” and You! April 27, 2015

Wall Street Titans Who Crashed Global Economy in 2008 Go Big for TPP May 6, 2015

TPP, TTIP and TISA: How the Media Misrepresent Obama’s “Fast Track” “Secret” International Trade Deals May 7, 2015

Stopping the Trans-Pacific Partnership is a “Black Issue” May 12, 2015

TPP Vote in the Senate: Big Defeat For Obama’s Fascist “Trade” Deal May 13, 2015

The Trans-Pacific Partnership: A Deeply Flawed Partnership May 13, 2015

Senate Passes Obama's TPP Fast-Track Trade Proposal May 14, 2015

‘Trade’ Treaties — TPP, TTIP, and TISA: Here’s How U.S. Senators Voted, in the Key Senate Vote to End American Democracy May 14, 2015

TPP and TTIP “Free Market” “Trade” Deals Approved by US Senate: How America’s “News” Media Killed America’s Democracy: May 15, 2015

How Congressional Republicans Lie to Approve Obama’s Trade Deals May 19, 2015

250+ Tech Companies and Digital Rights Groups: TPP Could Criminalize Journalism and Whistleblowing May 21, 2015

This Is How Little It Cost Goldman Sachs To Bribe America’s Senators To Fast Track Obama’s TPP Bill June 3, 2015

10 Reasons the TPP Is Not a 'Progressive' Trade Agreement June 9, 2015

Leaked TPP Trade Bill Healthcare Annex. De Facto Privatization of Medicare June 12, 2015

Obama, Republicans join forces to salvage trade bill June 17, 2015

Attacking State Run Medical Schemes: The Trans-Pacific Partnership Spells Privatization? June 18, 2015

Someone Finally Read Obama's Secret Trade Deal And Admits The TPP "Will Damage This Nation" June 19, 2015

Wall Street And Big Corporations Got What They Wanted – This Time June 24, 2015

Senate Passes TPP Fast Tracking that Could Make GMO Labeling Illegal June 24, 2015

TPP could force Australia to American-style health system June 25, 2015


King Obama, His Royal Court, and the TPP June 25, 2015


Staff member
Since Obama vowed to usher in a new era of transparency and accountability, I thought it was only appropriate that we, too, monitor the decisions he makes in the White House, for better or for worse.

Use this thread to inform each other of Obama's doings and the effects of his doings, so that some time down the road, we'll have something to look at when we're judging his efficacy as President.

January 21st, 2008

The Obama Administration is drafting executive orders calling for Guantanamo Bay's closure within a year.

The Administration is calling for a policy requiring the Army field manual for interrogations to apply to all people in U.S. custody. This is aimed at closing any potential loophole that might allow the CIA to engage in what many say are coercive interrogations.

Obama freezes pay for senior staff, signs ethics guidelines. "The pay freeze affects the roughly 100 White House employees who make more than $100,000 a year. "Families are tightening their belts, and so should Washington," Obama said"

Obama's new lobbying rules will ban aides from trying to influence the administration when they leave his staff. Those already hired will be banned from working on matters they have previously lobbied on, or to approach agencies that they once targeted. The rules also ban lobbyists from giving gifts of any size to any member of his administration.

"Devoting swift attention to the Mideast turmoil, Obama prepared to give George Mitchell, the former Senate Democratic leader, a top diplomatic post for the region."

Obama said he would change the way the federal government interprets the Freedom of Information Act. He said he was directing agencies that vet requests for information to err on the side of making information public — not to look for reasons to legally withhold it — an alteration to the traditional standard of evaluation.

Obama began his morning with meetings with his top economic advisers, which meshed with quickened efforts in Congress to add top Cabinet officials to the roster of those confirmed on Tuesday and to advance the economic stimulus measure that is a top priority of his administration.

Orders to close Guantanamo facility drafted, officials say - CNN.com

Obama's first day: Pay freeze, lobbying rules - White House- msnbc.com

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