Is it me, or music is becoming worse with every day


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I didn't know where to put it in, so I made a thread here.

Few months ago I bought a 4 dvd set full of songs and albums from 90s to early 2007. It made me think that music in the 90s was so awesome, really great, while skipping tracks (chronoligical order) I found out that every next track has less power in it, uses elements from songs made before but kinda destroys the whole vibe, and most of all is not as deep and emotionally touching.

After that I went to the music store and bought few random 90's hits cds (I bought 4 cds for less than 15$:D) and 2x 2006 greatest hits cds. I was simply shocked.. All those songs made in 90s were full of emotions, simply great. I just couldn't listen to 2006 songs after that. It's a sin to call it music. Some plastic bassy sounds, shitty hip-hop songs and shitty party hits.

Few weeks ago I also bought a 7cd set of 90s greatest hits, and few random albums from middle 90s (to check out if my love to 90s music is not created by my sentiment to songs I already knew and heard when I was growing up) and again I found out that those songs were simply great. No matter if they were party like songs or sad deep songs (they were especially amazing, probably best songs I ever heard) every song had someting deeper in it.

I came to a conclusion that no matter if it's Aerosmith, OFTB, 2pac, Goo Goo dolls or even Christina Aguilera or Backstreet boys :D those songs had something that made me like each one in it's own way. I swear I prefer listening to "Genie in a bottle" than 99% of songs I hear when I turn on mtv or radio or whatever. Songs these days became "plastic", without any emotions. I think even deepest songs today don't move your soul the way average songs did back in the days. It saddens me because I consider myself as amateur audiophile and with each day I lose hope that music industry will turn into a better way, when they'll focus on good music, instead of making weak songs for masses, that sound like plastic crap. And it's a disaster because whole music industry turned that way. No matter if you want to listen to new pop/hip-hop album or a new 2pac album or rock album, it's all the same.

I think my little experiment was worth that time, I want to hear other people's opinions as I'm not quite sure if my opinion is fair, or is it just based on my preferences and sentiments.

So is music plastic and empty of emotions these days?


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I see where you are coming from and have had my own moments of disillusion......bam, outta nowhere Trent Reznor (Niine Inch Nails) comes out that gate this year with "Year Zero" - which is simply an incredible, incredible piece of work that restored my faith in modern rock. I would advise anyone to check it out.
^^^ that's everyone's answer and reason.... you shouldnt have to go hunting for music... it shouldnt be like gold panning, where you filter out all the crap.... music is all about making money now.... get some black kid to say he's from the hood, rap about some shit, and he's got a record deal... sure, it never has been about just expressing your views, there is some money aspect of it, but it's greater today than it ever was... just a quick cash-in....then move on to something else...


Well-Known Member
i have had similiar thoughts about mainstream music. i remember back in jr high and high school it seemed that even the mainstream music, doesnt matter the genre, was good and listenable. now, i dont know what it is, maybe i am just getting old, but i cant stand the new stuff. i miss the days of good stuff on the radio and mtv like nirvana, stp, etc.
fucc...i've been thinking the same thing the past couple of days...been watching alot of old videos on youtube n' shit got me thinking how shitty today's music is...

7 Syns

Well-Known Member
Good music is something you vibe with, great music is something you relate with, unforgettable music is something that reminds you of a specific event in your life...

have any of these 3 impacted with you over the last few years? I think theres been a lot of average music, a little good and hardly any great or unforgettable since 2000. Well to me anyways.



Well-Known Member
I see where you are coming from and have had my own moments of disillusion......bam, outta nowhere Trent Reznor (Niine Inch Nails) comes out that gate this year with "Year Zero" - which is simply an incredible, incredible piece of work that restored my faith in modern rock. I would advise anyone to check it out.
My only gripe with that album is this. I told all my friends about it cus I was simply blown away. Each and every one of them were like wtf is this shit. They liked some songs but thought I was crazy. After thinking about it it is because I understood everything about it, the sites, the concept, the music whatever. I wish there wasnt so much to it, its like you need to do this to understand what such and such means. You know?

^^^ that's everyone's answer and reason.... you shouldnt have to go hunting for music... it shouldnt be like gold panning, where you filter out all the crap.... music is all about making money now.... get some black kid to say he's from the hood, rap about some shit, and he's got a record deal... sure, it never has been about just expressing your views, there is some money aspect of it, but it's greater today than it ever was... just a quick cash-in....then move on to something else...
Why shouldn't you have to go hunting for music? You go shopping for your own clothes dont you? Groceries etc.. Not everyone has the same taste, not everything you hear on the radio TV whatever you will like. Stop complaining and go find shit for yourself. It's like your wearing a shirt that is too small and hating on the person who made it instead of slapping yourself.
^^good point.

IMO, music is not as strong as it was in the '90s, but it's still great. like Aristotle said, you just have to find it. as far as Rap, alot of the songs right now are sounding the same. but guess what? that's why i don't listen to the radio anymore, unless i'm in a car.

truthfully, it's not really music as a whole, it's just the songs on the radio aren't the same. there are definately people who put out meaningful music still, sadly they just don't get airplay.


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So from what I see it's the mainstream music that became like that but.. As I said.. buy a random cd from 90s and it'll most probably be good (more than 70% good tracks). Now to get something good you have to search for it really hard and you won't find much anyway. Even when I hear something good I get bored of it after 2-3 listens. Most of 90s songs are made to play on repeat all the time and when I get bored of them I can listen again after a week or so and I still have creeps running on me when listening on headphones.

there's a little bit of truth in the grocery/ clothes comparison but for me it's like in 90s clothes were more solid and simply nice, now they're gay, made from less comfortable material and destroy after first washing :)

Whatever I search for (I search a lot, I like experimenting with new music) I can't find anything as good as songs I heard back in the days


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My only gripe with that album is this. I told all my friends about it cus I was simply blown away. Each and every one of them were like wtf is this shit. They liked some songs but thought I was crazy. After thinking about it it is because I understood everything about it, the sites, the concept, the music whatever. I wish there wasnt so much to it, its like you need to do this to understand what such and such means. You know?
They sound like closed-minded people. I don't think you need to know about the concept and the viral marketing thing to enjoy the music. I've played it to people without explaining it and they loved it. The songs are excellent, the music is excellent, the production is excellent. Some people just don't "get" it. Wait till Trent makes the YZ movie. Then maybe your friends will understand.


Well-Known Member
^True that. I wouldnt say so closed minded but it just wasnt something they were used too. Ironically I just got back from lunch with one of em and he was playin a copy of it I gave to him so maybe it just needed to grow on em.


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^True that. I wouldnt say so closed minded but it just wasnt something they were used too. Ironically I just got back from lunch with one of em and he was playin a copy of it I gave to him so maybe it just needed to grow on em.
Yeah, it's a lot to take in. What were your favorite trax on there btw? I've been playing 'God Given' and 'Meet Your Master' a lot recently.


New Member
here's my reason without getting too into it:

We are all getting older, and most of the music today isnt aimed at pleasing mid to late 20s and so on. It is geered to Junior High to High School Kids. Music is just not for us anymore... Plain and Simple.

We didnt have a problem with "woo-hah" by Busta and "slam" by Onyx, but we hate "this is why im hot" or whatever the hell that shit is called...
Good music is something you vibe with, great music is something you relate with, unforgettable music is something that reminds you of a specific event in your life...
Really impressed with that comment and it is so true.

Thing is no one really stands out these days, weve got a bunch of people sounding like other people. T-Pain and Akon. Lil Wayne and TI. Those might be a bit of a stretch but those artists basically create the same type of music that applys to the same type of people.

People are just more concerned know with just destroying other peoples careers instead of creating a legacy of great music.

Maybe i never noticed it before but it seems like all people want to do is buy and all white new era hat, try and look hard, talk about how drunk they get, or how much coc they can sell,and then talk about what there gonna do after they leave the club.

IMO people used to be famous for accomplishing something great. No people are famous...well i dont know even where to begin on that.
here's my reason without getting too into it:

We are all getting older, and most of the music today isnt aimed at pleasing mid to late 20s and so on. It is geered to Junior High to High School Kids. Music is just not for us anymore... Plain and Simple.

We didnt have a problem with "woo-hah" by Busta and "slam" by Onyx, but we hate "this is why im hot" or whatever the hell that shit is called...
Listen to the verses. shit was grimey too. It didnt sound like only a computer was involved.


Well-Known Member
here's my reason without getting too into it:

We are all getting older, and most of the music today isnt aimed at pleasing mid to late 20s and so on. It is geered to Junior High to High School Kids. Music is just not for us anymore... Plain and Simple.

We didnt have a problem with "woo-hah" by Busta and "slam" by Onyx, but we hate "this is why im hot" or whatever the hell that shit is called...
there is a lot of truth to what you said about people getting older. i read an article some months ago, maybe almost a year ago, an opinion piece, where the man was comparing the youth who listen to rap music today to the hippies of the 60s. his main point was that the young people today, most of them that is, will eventually stop listening to rap music and get tired of it as they get older. they will out grow it. he pointed out that the hippies of the 60s, most of them, cut their hair, started wearing suits to work as they got big jobs in corporations or whatever. they just grew up. they no longer related to the person they once were or the music they once listened to.


me, myself & us
there is a lot of truth to what you said about people getting older. i read an article some months ago, maybe almost a year ago, an opinion piece, where the man was comparing the youth who listen to rap music today to the hippies of the 60s. his main point was that the young people today, most of them that is, will eventually stop listening to rap music and get tired of it as they get older. they will out grow it. he pointed out that the hippies of the 60s, most of them, cut their hair, started wearing suits to work as they got big jobs in corporations or whatever. they just grew up. they no longer related to the person they once were or the music they once listened to.
yeah but masta (i think its him that started the thread) pointed out that he liked the classics of his time when he was younger while you're saying that the kids of today will not like what we could call classics of THEIR time. (okay i hate putting the word classic there but i guess thats what they consider it) the music of today doesnt have the same feel it had before. take the genre of rap, before the beats were better, the lyrics better but even the mainstream rappers of that time could make sense while now.. most mainstream is shit and the underground rappers are so underground that we don't take the time to find them. i could play old rap songs anytime without getting fed up of them while todays rap i get easily fed up of it. but that goes not only with rap but with all genres of music. all the beats are the same. nothing original. and when it is most of the time it doesnt sell.

now i wont reread myself. but hopefully what i wrote made some sense.


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Great music is hiding in movie soundtracks. The Royal Tenenbaums soundtrack is tight, or even the Gegen die Wand movie soundtrack for the euros.

Old, but good stuff.

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