People need to shut the fuck up about whats real hip-hop or fake hip-hop and stop seperating it. Ever hear of divide and conquer. There is a time and place for all music, just cus you don't like it dont mean you come in here and start hatin on it cus it aint your cup of tea. People get down to what they get down too, not everything has to be some super mafioso lyrical street tale we hear. Its music, be quiet about whats real and whats not cus that aint real to begin with. Enjoy what you like and let others enjoy what they want to like, get out of here with all that other bullshit actin like yall to good to let people enjoy what they want to listen too. If the beat is wak dont bob your head.
Im not a fan of D4L but im not gonna sit here and be like, ahh that aint real fuck them blah blah, ghost did it best, said dont support em showed what he liked, he doesnt look like a hater like most people here.
He plays some classic fucking tracks too, that show must of been tight.