Technology Android


Well-Known Member
But why stuff like the Eris? All those low-end devices. It pollutes the gene pool of Android. If all phones were like the Nexus One, EVO, Droid X, etc., I could take it more seriously. But what good are all the features of Android when a low-end phone can't run it?
That's a question that you know the answer to. Not everyone needs a crazy smartphone or wants one. The number one selling phone in the world isn't a smartphone, it doesn't have a touch screen or anything of the sort. Android can be put on a very very broad range of devices that ideally can meet the needs of every single cell phone user in the world, not just high end users


Well-Known Member
^^ exactly. i agree with the two posts above this. having a range of devices from launch gives consumers the opportunity to buy a new phone which meets their budget, they dont necessarily have to buy old phones just to afford it.

also, many girls i know dont go for the high-spec phones, they go for ones that look nice and have some good features on... these low-mid end spec phones would be ideal for them and most other people in the student category.


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Staff member
Lower end Android are still upper mid-ends if you take the mobile phone market as a whole.
Some low to mid end Android are still awesome and they are more than enough for most users.
We're looking at it from a Geek perspective where 5% bigger screen and 10% more efficiency is worth twice as much money to us. Literally.
Sure there are shitty phones too but it doesn't have much to do with being mid end, low end or even sometimes high end though you would expect a flagship high end to be designed with more care. Eris wasn't even a low end but it seems like it's been a shitty phone. There are cheaper phones that are much better.


Trumpfan17 aka Coonie aka Dilla aka Tennis Dog
It seems like Google is like Wal-Mart now. Everything is "cheaper, "more accessible," and "open source." These are the words they use and while it is true, it's hard to imagine that only good can come out of this. That's one drawback. With Google stretching its Android tentacles into every sector of the market, how is that a good thing? OS, phone OS, TV, search, email. They have access to all this data. Let's not forget what happened recently with their Google Maps cars going through open networks and taking passwords. They were found guilty of it, these were not assumptions.

A cliched, but still true example is the fragmentation. There are devices still on 1.6. They probably won't see the light of 2.1. If I'm not wrong, these are the 'low-end" phones. They were low-end then and they are still so today. The fact that people get fucked over like that is unnerving, because Android is supposed to be this great platform with all these features and open and all that crock of shit, yet people are still fucking with Donut. To blame it entirely on the carrier is stupid. The carrier wouldn't be pulling shit like this to get people to buy more expensive phones if Google put in sanctions to force them to keep all phones somewhat up to date. And this is just phones. Is the OS any different for tablets? If not, that's shitty because I'm sure there are things tablets can do that phones can't. So tablets are hindered by the smartphones and what they can handle? If it's the converse, that the tablets do have modified OSs, then that means every single different device (phones, tablets, Google TV,) has its own different version of Android. Fragmentation.

To sacrifice quality in order to make something "affordable" is the dilution I was talking about. To branch across so far into technology is going to have its negative effects. Instead of having depth and focus on smartphones and, hell, even tablets, this thing is going into the TV world now. Instead of having the focus more like a glass of water, it's more like it's spread out over a huge dinner plate. Again, widespread, but lacking any depth.

Which goes back to the Wal-Mart analogy; have everyone sapped into the OS with a $30 phone and when it gains enough power, just fuck everyone over. It's a prediction, not fact, but from what we've seen so far, it's not an irrational fear.

The OS is fine. It's the company behind the OS that has potential to have its hands in places it doesn't belong, or simply reduce the quality of its products. If there's backlash and they decide to shut doors or just collapse on itself, it's taking everyone involved with them. Good luck switching to a new OS when every aspect of your life was connected through Google.


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Staff member
What the fuck are you babbling about? Once again - you are misinformed at best, and totally fucking wrong at worst.

Regarding the data - the wifi data collection was an ACCIDENT, and the data collected is in the process of being destroyed.

Let me make something abundantly clear to you - WE provide our information, WILLINGLY to Google, in exchange for great services. If you have a problem with that, you are paranoid and can fuck off. What, you think someone at Google is gonna go through your search history, look into your account details for your contacts and start blackmailing you? What exactly do you think is going to happen?

Fragmentation? 75% of Android users are on 2.1 or above, as of the beginning of October. And this month, the second ever Android phone (original MyTouch) got it's 2.1 update. So the next time they release device figures, I would bet at least 80-85% of Android users will be on 2.1 or above.

Does anyone complain when someone with a iPhone 3G can't run iOS 4? properly? That's fragmentation too. So fucking what? NOBODY on ANY device is guaranteed a software update, EVER and if you actually bought a device on the expectation of what it might get in the future, rather than what it did at the time of purchase, you sir are a MORON.

And WHO exactly is sacrificing quality to make things "affordable"????? Android has been FREE since the beginning, so what are you on about? Anyone is free to put Android on any hardware, big or small, and that is a GOOD thing.

Yes, Google want market share domination of smartphones so they can "fuck everyone over". Because, you know, Google have market share of search, and hey, they are fucking people over on searches everyday! Microsoft fucks everyone over that uses Windows! Nintendo have the biggest selling console of all time with the Wii and they are fucking over all of their users! Grow up.

Also, the existence of Google TV isn't diluting resources for smartphones. Google TV is maintained by an ENTIRELY different team of people. It's only BASED on Android. Just like ANYONE else, the GTV team, take the releases of Android as the Android team releases them, and modifies them for their own needs. Again, this is how open source works. You seem perfectly happy to use Chrome and Firefox, and these work in the exact same manner. There's browsers like Flock that are built on the Chrome source, is that fucking up Chrome somehow? I'll reiterate that you have NO FUCKING CLUE what you are talking about.

"hands in places it doesn't belong" - WHO are you to tell Google where it does and doesn't belong, LOL? And again, who is reducing quality of what and where are they doing it?

When it comes to Android, my 11 year nephew understands how this all works better than you do.


Well-Known Member
damn, i know winters coming up but its getting so cold in here. ouch.

On Chrome, its based off Chromium - which anyone can also download and use... Chromium is the one that the mods are made off and Chrome is the main browser that Google expects their everyday consumers to use. The open source phenomenon (of Chrome) entails from the Google Chromium source code. Both are open - the same how Android product releases (in whichever form or fashion) is based from the Android source code from the developer website.

I do see what you're trying to say Smacky, but if Open Source allows for developer/user creativity... then how is that a bad thing? On top of this, it is constantly improving as it MUST with the likes of WP7 having been released and Apple having already convinced the majority of consumers that their devices are the 'best' and they should look no further.


Trumpfan17 aka Coonie aka Dilla aka Tennis Dog
The sacrificing of quality is on the part of the manufacturers. Making the low-end phones that don't run the same things as the high-end phones. Certain apps, Flash, don't work on the low-end devices. You can't even say "old" devices because phones are still being released with the same shitty 528 MHz processor.

To whoever said Android makes shit phones so that they're "more affordable," I would love to hear an explanation for why the Hero is only $50 less than an EVO and why a Behold II costs $100 despite being utter shit?

Nintendo has success in games. Google is trying to take over the whole web. Like I mentioned earlier, email, search, cloud-based services, OS, etc. You really think the Maps incident was an "accident?" Get real. The information was going to be used for commercial purposes. You can pretend nothing was meant by collecting all that data. I'm not that stupid, and neither is everyone taking the issue seriously. Ten countries don't come out and investigate if it was just "an accident."

What does Flock have to do with Chrome? Do Chrome developers spend time on Flock? If not, why the fuck did you bring it up? This is about Android devs being split up to work on different OSs for different devices and how it will hinder the overall progression of the OS. Fewer new features, and Android always releases new versions with ridiculous 50% time without signal glitches and silent call bugs. It's probably going to get worse.


Trumpfan17 aka Coonie aka Dilla aka Tennis Dog
damn, i know winters coming up but its getting so cold in here. ouch.

On Chrome, its based off Chromium - which anyone can also download and use... Chromium is the one that the mods are made off and Chrome is the main browser that Google expects their everyday consumers to use. The open source phenomenon (of Chrome) entails from the Google Chromium source code. Both are open - the same how Android product releases (in whichever form or fashion) is based from the Android source code from the developer website.

I do see what you're trying to say Smacky, but if Open Source allows for developer/user creativity... then how is that a bad thing? On top of this, it is constantly improving as it MUST with the likes of WP7 having been released and Apple having already convinced the majority of consumers that their devices are the 'best' and they should look no further.
This is nothing against open source, in general. Creativity is great. What bothers me is the DEVICES running Android and how big the list growing. It shouldn't be limited to one type of device but now it seems like it's in everything. Cars, phones, tablets, computers, etc. Where does it end? And what my fear is is that the quality of the OS will decrease when it has to be released on so many different devices.

Firefox was mentioned. It makes a browser for PCs. Only recently did they delve into the mobile market. They didn't go ape shit and make browsers for PCs, phones, tablets, and whatever else devices there are out there. Once they got a stable following, then they moved on. What the fuck is Google doing? VoIP? Internet? Android? Email? Search? Self-driving cars? Does anyone else not see this as fighting a war on a million fronts here? It's not bound to cause Google to slip up?


Well-Known Member
the thing is all those devices will have either full or mobile based firefox browsers.

Android on the other hand, which in conjunction with google will make apps and services for PCs and then those which are optimised for different devices like you say. there is no real need to have a web-browser in a car for example, but VoIP, Maps, Voice commands etc are the future and this is where google is implementing it into different products where there is a niche and a demand for ease-of-use. it solves the problem of breaking the law (driving whilst on the phone) - in some countries where that is the law, it's a win-win situation.


Well-Known Member
The sacrificing of quality is on the part of the manufacturers. Making the low-end phones that don't run the same things as the high-end phones. Certain apps, Flash, don't work on the low-end devices. You can't even say "old" devices because phones are still being released with the same shitty 528 MHz processor.

To whoever said Android makes shit phones so that they're "more affordable," I would love to hear an explanation for why the Hero is only $50 less than an EVO and why a Behold II costs $100 despite being utter shit?
I swear you are smart-er than what you are saying. What don't you understand about low end phones being a necessity, regardless of what they have

The cost of those phones all have to do with carriers so...I don't know what to tell you. I know you know that Android doesn't make any phone, there is the Nexus One, so they aren't responsible for shit phones. Different consumer needs are responsible for "shit" phones. But what you might consider shit is all someone else might need therefore they buy that cheap piece of shit phone since it makes more sense for them.

You really need to read this
The Most Popular Phone in the World


Trumpfan17 aka Coonie aka Dilla aka Tennis Dog
I swear you are smart-er than what you are saying. What don't you understand about low end phones being a necessity, regardless of what they have

The cost of those phones all have to do with carriers so...I don't know what to tell you. I know you know that Android doesn't make any phone, there is the Nexus One, so they aren't responsible for shit phones. Different consumer needs are responsible for "shit" phones. But what you might consider shit is all someone else might need therefore they buy that cheap piece of shit phone since it makes more sense for them.

You really need to read this
The Most Popular Phone in the World

Ok, then I'm angry at manufacturers putting Android on low-end devices. But that still falls back to Android being put on anything with a processor.

I also realize the roles low-end devices play, but I'm telling you from experience that these devices suck dick. If phones are being released that can NOT run all of Androids services, whether it be natively or through root, then it kinda defeats the purpose, right?

When consumers buy shit phones, they sit and complain how shit their phones. I know this from experience because I was one of those people with my Eris and then I was on AF where everyone complained about it being slow, not running smoothly, and it missing out on features other phones had.

So I think there's some distortion there with the customer needs determining the quality of phones. If there's a uniform requirement, a standard, that had most of the phones performing at "this minimum" level, then we can still have quality phones that are still affordable. But when you think about it, and I realized this later on, the amount you pay for your phone initially really doesn't make a difference. With most people's bills in the $100 range, buying a high-end phone for $200 doesn't make much of a difference than paying $100 less. That's really just one month's bill more for a phone that could last you six months longer than the cheaper phone. Case made by the Droid vs. the Devour, Eris, Ally, etc.

So I'm not saying everyone make and buy a high-end phone. I'm saying get an adaptive standard that progresses with newer releases of the OS so that even the cheapest phone can run the same things the high-end can. Maybe not as well, but at least the consumer has the service.


Well-Known Member
i cant imagine my mum or dad using a phone like the htc desire z or hd, or samsung galaxy pro. masta's favourite word - its an OVERKILL (on necessity).

My dad is fine with a BASIC 'but does the job brilliantly' Nokia 6700 that i bought him for his birthday (or whatever code it is).


Trumpfan17 aka Coonie aka Dilla aka Tennis Dog
Anyone know what keyboard CM uses? I want to use it on my current ROM since that one was a lot more accurate and nicer looking. Is it the multitouch ROM from the Droid 2?


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Torrents is the worst way to download. Your speed is determined by other users and your ISP can see exactly what you are downloading. I haven't used them for years and I download in excess of 100GB a month.


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I rarely use torrents. Only when I want to download an artist's discography and don't feel like searching around on blogs. I still use forums and blogs. I get everything the same time that people get on torrents.

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