Security level low makes more options available to check or uncheck. Assuming you know what you're doing, which really isn't hard when the process basically tells you what it does and if it's really important or not, you'll be able to trim the fat processes that start up.
Once you kill certain tasks, they'll pop up again after a while, but if you just tap the home screen widget to auto kill processes, your phone should run very smoothly.
Well, Android is a specific system. Killing most programs is not the best thing to do to save battery.
Most "standard" apps don't consume processor time while being idle in the background. There are only badly written apps that you download from the market or elsewhere that require killing.
If you have your ATK to autokill then:
a) it consumes processor time and battery because it executes a process from time to time that kills all working apps. Usually these apps just "are" there and don't consume battery because they are stopped.
b) Some apps get "fucked" - for example Alarm clock won't launch after you kill it.
c) Android thinks it's so nice and all that from time to time it automatically launches apps that it thinks you'll use so they'd launch faster. It just takes a second or two two launch them and then they would just calmly reside in RAM while technically being stopped and not working at all until they're needed thus not consuming your battery at all. However by killing them Android then starts them over and over again which consumes battery.
So Autokill is like fighting with Androids nature - you kill some apps, Android relaunches them again.
I agree that some apps aren't that nice - they drain battery in the background. However autokill is still not the best thing to do.
If you really need to just kill apps that could potentially drain battery working in the background like games, various news readers and such. There's absolutely no reason to kill basic apps that come with Android and no reason to use autokill on them either.
What I did was unselecting most apps and select to kill only some that I downloaded from the market. Also I have a ATK widget that I tap every time I want to kill these apps.
Sebastian said:
I just bought the Samsung Galaxy S.
Congrats. And how do you like it?