Technology With All The Talk Of Next Gen Consoles......

Anyone else think there a bit of a rip off, i heard ps3 will be a little under $500, thats a little to much of a fucking machine, sure it can do all kinds of shit that a person like myself doesnt want eg all this online, dvd, superhuman levatation, with the ability to lick your ass with the click of a button shit but damn, most people, like myself just want to play it for a few games, it seems like every time a "next gen" console is released they state a price that equals to getting ass fucked in jail by a fat man in a fucking overcoat, wtf is with these gay prices, its a console, it seems like the makers are slappin people in the faces with there dicks with these crazy ass prices, $400 for a fucking playstation, psssssh, a beautiful prostitute cost less than that.

anyone agree?
yeah the money situation cripples me, full time college student, and ontop of that am a lazy ass bum, i aint got like a £1,000 for all these next gen consoles, xbox shouldnt go through with the 360 2.....
well they said the ps1 and ps2 would be about 500 bucks before they came out and eventually they came out and were 199-299 so theres some shudnt be anymore than 299-399 tho
are u serious, 500 for a games console is just plain wrong, thats like half of 1000, and lets not forget that after u finish a game, it collects dust.
Silleone said:
it seems like every time a "next gen" console is released they state a price that equals to getting ass fucked in jail by a fat man in a fucking overcoat, wtf is with these gay prices, its a console, it seems like the makers are slappin people in the faces with there dicks with these crazy ass prices, $400 for a fucking playstation, psssssh, a beautiful prostitute cost less than that.
haha funny shit, but ya theres no way in fuck i can manage to get a ps3 plus make car payments, and still hope to put money into a college fund

i'd rather fuck a light socket while wearing a tinfoil cock hat, than pay that much $ for video games....i mean come on they all seem pretty sweet but they get old as fuck real fast. i find that even the gta's lose their novelty


Staff member
The price is too expensive. When I got my ps2, it was hella expensive too. The PS2 with the Joystick, memory card, and a game came out to $400. But, I don't know about yall, I'm getting older and I'm just not into playing games anymore. I haven't touched my ps2 in months.

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