post the manufactures name, part number, serial number if you have it, make and model. beacuse nobody here can help you if we don't know what youve got. your wasting your time if you don't have a video card that has SVIDEO or DVI out. TV's don't make good monitors because they don't have a lot of pixels and their display is not as crisp as a monitor. Monitors recieve 3 independent signal beams as well as both the horizontal and vertical sync siganls are recived seperatly. If you want to hook a tv to your computer to view video and games is fine but I wouldnt recomend using it as a monitor unless you have a new tv that has a DVI INPUT. If your tv don't than you need to hook it up to your graphics card with an svideo cable. BUT if you don't know this than you probably cant with your rig.