My friend and I have free time and are looking to start kind a social interaction website. Similar to a mix of this set up with a craigslist vibe. Local things mostly. Anyways, I'm pretty efficient with html coding, boyfriend does graphic design and I have access to many adobe programs... illustrator, dreamweaver, photoshop, etc.
But anyone who can point me in the right direction. I have a general idea but I'd like more specific advise.
Like what site to buy a domain name from?
How much bandwith would I need to start out with?
How do I get other sites to pay me for being allowed to place ads on the site?
That kind of stuff.
Any help is greatly appreciated!!
My friend and I have free time and are looking to start kind a social interaction website. Similar to a mix of this set up with a craigslist vibe. Local things mostly. Anyways, I'm pretty efficient with html coding, boyfriend does graphic design and I have access to many adobe programs... illustrator, dreamweaver, photoshop, etc.
But anyone who can point me in the right direction. I have a general idea but I'd like more specific advise.
Like what site to buy a domain name from?
How much bandwith would I need to start out with?
How do I get other sites to pay me for being allowed to place ads on the site?
That kind of stuff.
Any help is greatly appreciated!!