Technology tvshack, alphabet boys, etc


Well-Known Member
After the fed take down I'm sort of lost as what to use to watch episodes of tv and some movies. I used to use surfthechannel and some others but they are not as good as tvshack so i'm wondering if anyone knows any other ones. I can find most of what i want to watch to dl but i'd rather just stream em real quick so dont worry about offering a place to dl anything please


Staff member

real men download and have collections.


Jokey boy was right, the time is off. I am not posting this at 1:58pm.


Well-Known Member
Aggin my dl speed right now is like 1.5mbps. I'd be better off tethering my celly. I even have to pause to let youtube videos load up. dl'n takes way too long at the moment


Staff member
Same. But I see it as time to read a book or do something beneficial to my life. A 1 1/2 hour download for a movie is perfect time to get some good reading done and then the movie comes as an award for being good. These incentives work for me.


Knock, Knock...
Staff member
Newsgroups is the only way to download. If you have a 50 meg connection, you'll get a download speed of 5Meg/Second. The connection is also SSL encrypted. Newsgroups rock.


Well-Known Member
I dont use usenet because i prefer not to pay for things. Im sure there are ways of not having to pay but I am unfamiliar with them. Also it is relatively cheap, but if I were to pay I'd have a clash of principle paying someone for something that isn't even theirs, just knowing I'm getting hustled like that would make me salty

And like I said I'm not trying to dl anything cus you can find that anywhere. I'm just trying to stream some top gear eps

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