Technology Top 6 Favorite Video Games

1. Super Metroid SNES 1994
2. Metroid 2 Return Of Samus GB 1991
3. The Legend Of Zelda A Link To The Past SNES 1991
4. Super Mario Bros 3 NES 1990
5. Donkey Kong Country SNES 1994
6. Star Fox SNES 1993
Madden 2005
GTA San Andreas (the best video game ever made)
NBA Live 2005
Mortal Kombat

that's all i can think of right now...i guess i don't have 6 all time favs
This is hard for me to narrow it down to 6, I fucking Love Video Games.

1. The Legend of Zelda (NES)
2. 007:Goldeneye (N64)
3. Super Mario World (SNES)
4. Mike Tysons Punch Out! (NES)
5. The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of time (N64)
6. Silent Scope 2:Dark Sillouets(Arcade-If that counts?)
1. Zelda - Ocarina of Time
2. Half Life
3. Blade Runner
4. GTA, any part
5. Unreal Tournament 2003
6. Resident Evil 2

Super Metroid on SNES was the bomb too
no particular order...

1. bubble bobble (nes)
2. rise of the triad (pc)
3. goldeneye (n64)
4. mortal kombat 2 (snes)
5. unreal tournament 2003 (pc)
6. nfl blitz 2000 (ps1)
1. Legend of zelda - a link to the past (snes)
2. Super Ghouls and Ghost (Mega drive)
3. Super Punch out (Snes)
4. Act raiser (Snes - well super famicon - jap)
5. PC Kid 1 (PC Engine)
6. Alex the kid (miricle world) (Sega master system)

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