Technology This Is Just Fucking Ridiculous

I have no idea why, but for no reason my computer just continues to freeze.It happened to me today at least 50+ times.Its just getting outta hand.It takes about 5 minutes with my PC on and then it just freezes completely.I have no idea why it does this.Maybe its the internet (Bellsouth Fast Access DSL Alcatel Modem{the one that looks like a stingray}) but other than that I have no viruses, etc.I just need some help cause its getting out of control.What can I do, what is the cause?HELP ME PLEASE!

*It was fine all last night, and then this morning out of no where it started freezing up on me.I dunno whats going on, last time it happened I rebooted my pc, only to find that it did it anyway, so now Im just pissed off.Especially since without my PC, I cant make beats, since I chop up samples on the PC, and then transfer it to the MPC.


Well-Known Member
Is your video card onboard or pci/agp? What are the specs of the computer? When did the problem first occur and what were you doing? Have you ran any error checks on your hard drive? Im thinking its your video card or processor over heating.


Staff member
When it freezes, do you sense that the heater/fan makes more noise than when the computer is running? If so, you might have the same problem as me.
Meyer Lansky said:
Is your video card onboard or pci/agp? What are the specs of the computer? When did the problem first occur and what were you doing? Have you ran any error checks on your hard drive? Im thinking its your video card or processor over heating.
Im running the error checking thing now, hopefully the PC doesnt freeze up on me.


Staff member
I have the same problem. Luckily, my computer only freezes about 5 times a day. If you find the solution, holla. :)
My computer does that. My solution = throw it out. Mine is old anyway - piece of shit cant handle my internet usage... I think I push it to its limits. lol. I understand the frustration though, you cant get anything done when you have to reboot all the time. :S
Illuminattile said:
If it was overheating then the unit would shut down, rather than freeze up.

If you're on XP have you tried a System Restore?
actually freezing also happens when theres overheating. i overclock many computers every week,and when its not cooled enough,the machine starts locking up at different points without shutting down.

and good point about system should always use that feature when today ur computer is fucked when it wasnt yesterday.

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