Rahim said:
He's an interesting person to read up on, just like machiaveli and sun tzu. I also used to read the book by Machiavelli book "The Prince" and other phillosphy related books to figure out clues about pac's death (lol).
^nothing really relates or gives any ideas about faking your death. In machiavelli's book "the art of war" talks about faking ones death but not the prince.
Nostradamus does not really predict anything that really happened. Ill give u an example , Everey1 says he fortold the rise of Hitler. Well he sates the name Hister , which refers to three neighboring towns in southwestern France close to the seer's onetime home territory.
His supporters say he predicted huge events in world history, like French Revolution, Hitler, September 11 , you name it . Anything that is detrimental that happenes , his supporters say Nostradamus predicted whatever just happened.
he just predicted an event, when the original prediction was vague, open ended,statistically likely, or unavailable until after the fact.
At the end of the day everyone counts the hits and not the misses.