tennis dog

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This guy's posts need to be checked.I genuinely ask you to please take a good look at his posts in these two threads.

For those who aren't into baseball,its beyond that.You don't even have to know the sport to see his odd,random,non sense posts.I didnt' told him,i begged him several times to be quite and quit arguing with me after insulting,mocking my lack of english and what not.But he continued to do so to the point where he brought family issue into the table.Thats crossing a line.

Do whatever you feel is right to do,probation,ban or whatever,that aint my business to handle.But i don't want family thing brought into the discussion.
I did call him that.But that isn't the point of all.Its bigger then that.Read the rest after that.

I just saw he is on probation already.


Well-Known Member
sorry im not going to read the whole thing, just too much b.s. but i have skimmed through it and you are doing just as much if not more name calling in that thread.

and just for future reference. this is not an "american" message board


Well-Known Member
in this thread, you threw the first slur name out there - dickrider.
in this thread you are both equally out of line.

i don't know a lot about baseball or whatever it is you're discussing in there - i'm no sports fan - but i know from own experience that you are a very stubborn person and certain views people have can immediately flip you over and turn you into an obsessive maniac.

bank robber said no one on this forum agrees with anything you say. while that's taking it a bit far, i think the attitude issues here fall on you as much as it does on tennis_dog, if not more.

i see no reason why this should call for a ban or even probation in these days where we let so much shit slide. i'm gonna close this thread. if an admin thinks i was wrong in doing so, please let me know how i should have handled it, but this is stupid really.


Well-Known Member
oh, and i took the liberty of closing the two threads in question, since in the last two pages of both threads, it's basically just the two of you going back and forth at eachother. you go ahead and review whether or not they should stay closed or if they may still be redeemed, Bank Robber.
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