Technology start a website

im looking to start a website with forums ands stuff with a registerd domain name.i wanna start with something free but i wanna start a paid monthly one like 2 months afterward.i wanna do the free one first to get the hang of controling a website and forum.anyone have an idea were i can start or whats the best programs?all help is needed thanx
First of all, you need to know HTML. If you don't know know it, the first thing you need to do is go W3 Schools. Since you want to find out what it feels like to 'control a website,' I suggest you download a program called EasyPHP. It's basically a program that hosts a website from your computer. Other people can't see it unless you give them your IP, or you register a DNS to your IP. If you'd like regular free hosting, go here. Then, once you are ready, you can start looking for domains to purchase. Here's one site, GoDaddy, but all just go to google and search for some more.

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