Technology Ps3

Bobby Sands

Well-Known Member
Is the PS3 struggling? The reason i ask this is because most of the game stores over here seem to be pushing the reduced price Xbox 360. The Xbox 360 seems to be heavily featured in most advertising literature and tv ads along with the Wii. I hardly ever see any PS3 tv ads over here.
Also a lot of greats games are being released on the Xbox 360 coming up to christmas including excellent exclusive titles like Fable 2 and Gears of War 2. Games which are common to both consoles such as Far Cry 2 and Fallout 3 are said to be superior in terms of graphics on the xbox 360 according to some websites.
Also, the high price tag of the PS3 along with the fall in price of the xbox 360 cant be helping it, especially with this recession we are in. You would imagine most people will go for the much cheaper Xbox 360 this christmas especially parents when buying a games console for their kids. Also, are people going to be put off buying blu ray movies because of the price of them?

I was thinking of getting a PS3 at some stage but im not so sure anymore.


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The problem with the ps3 is that it doesn't sell as well as it was expected and it doesn't get any cheaper. Also it doesn't get modded :p
I got my 360 because here the arcade version costs.. 40% of ps3's price.. considering that right now it gives similar possibilities it's just not worth to buy it.
Some time ago I myself made a thread complimenting ps3 and telling how much better it was. I even ordered it and cancelled when 360 arcade came out in it's super-cheap price. Sure technically Sony's console is better but:
1. they are not using it's potential
2. not for it's current price.
Also there were many big titles that were supposed to come out on ps3 and still haven't or turned out to be failures/not that great.

I'm going to stick with my 360 and see how that situation develops with ps3.


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They main reason 360 sells more is because it's alot cheaper than a PS3. I have both consoles and i prefer my PS3 a whole lot more than my 360.


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everyone i've played the ps3 with say they prefer the ps3 graphics to the 360 cause the 360 looks more pc-ish, the ps3 has a nice smoothness to it. and i agree very much with this sentiment. i love my ps3.

Bobby Sands

Well-Known Member
^^well alot of websites are of the opinion that graphics on games like Fallout 3 and Far Cry 2 are superior on xbox 360 but alas its only slight differences that only a graphics freak would care about.

But i dont want to get into argument about which is better, im just wondering if the PS3 is gonna fall well behind in the console war because of the reasons i stated in my original post. I mean, how many Xbox 360's are gonna ship this christmas because of the new lower price and Gears of War 2 as opposed to the overpriced PS3 with no stand out exclusive titles. Im not the biggest fan of Gears Of War but its a hugely popular game.


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both ps3 and x360 are great consoles, I would say that it's a good time for gaming systems.
If I had a ps3 instead of 360 I would be happy. I didn't buy it simply because it's too expensive and the price doesn't even drop while Microsoft somehow dropped 360's price a few times this year. I got 360 and I'm happy too.
I like 360's gamepad over ps3's one but on the other hand PS is more powerful and has more Japanese games. Microsoft has better marketing and buys out many interesting titles that imo should be Sony's exclusives.
The biggest barrier is the price + a small factor that ps3 is still not modded. Most people pirate their 360s after all.
For example people here think that if they can have 20 360 games for the price of one original ps3 game then what's the point of getting even more expensive ps3?

S. Fourteen

Well-Known Member
titles like Fable 2
It's a beautiful looking game, but I can't believe it was released in the condition that it is in. The game has so many unexplainable bugs or glitches that it stops being entertaining. Somebody forgot to hire game testers. As far as game depth goes, I don't want to deal with nuisance like interrupting my quests to satisfy my in-game-wife's material and sexual needs, or going through the boring acts of repeatedly tapping the A button at various jobs that are available in the game. I would settle for a game world that is less open and less detailed in exchange for more game play depth and entertaining mini-games.

Just my opinion on how the game looks vs. how the game is played.


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I got bored with Fable 2 after a few days. It got me hooked for a few straight hours though.
It's like you can do a lot there but you won't have fun with any of those. You can fight, cast magic, work, fuck etc. but nothing is done well.
Only some ingame places look nice - well done graphic dudes.

Bobby Sands

Well-Known Member
^^I reckon Elder Scrolls-Oblivion is a better game than it. Thats probably the best RPG on the Xbox 360. or no wait Mass Effect is the best. Oblivion has glitches too though and i hate when the in game characters disappear through doors. Why cant they just open them and walk out properly.

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