Leaders Set the Tone for the country?

I was thinking how ever since Bush came into office it started out as anxious uncertinty, then after 9-11 it has been constant "fear".

It seems with the power of a Presidental speech or press release they can pretty much controll public opinion and emotion. make it Ebb when they want and flow at will.

I recall the Clinton adminstration, was all about Growth and excitment, it was also about the youth and how to ensure a brighter tommrow.

I vaugely rember the Regan Adminstration being about MONEY, and Luxury. it was about liveing the hight life and destryoing comunism.

The First Bush was not really memroble other then the "No New tax;s" Lie and the cool War they put on TV for a few months!

Side note: Still to this day I don't understand why we got to see The First Gulf War blow for blow but saw semmingly little of the current operation, we saw more of that Baretta guy's trial.


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Leaders Set the Tone for the country?
Yeah they kinda do. I think it's special in the Us because the president has so much more power then the president in other countries - and because Americans tend to see a man as soon as he became "Mr President" as Hero, almost a kind of God lol. Seriously. It seems like in the US many follow their president, no matter what, so yeah, in the US the Leader definatly sets the tone, in other countries they do it too, but only to a certain degree.


Little Miss Vixen
Yeah, take Castro. Hands-on approach, led by example & as soon as he departs, there is a chance that it will all fall down...because the country's tone/atmosphere/spirit will have changed.

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