I see people are still not getting it. Everyone needs to get this in their heads: the global economic system has collapsed. Look what’s happening around the world. Look at all these countries that thought they were going to buy into the capitalist system: Lithuania, Latvia, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria. It’s over. Their currencies are dead, the ones not on the Euro. Eastern Europe is finished. There is no bailing them out. Spain and Ireland had a bubble worse than the one we had. We’ve seen recent protests in Iceland, Greece, France, England, and Ireland, and the same is in store for the US.
Chrysler and possibly GM will have to declare bankruptcy soon. Macy’s recently announced a 59% fall-off in sales. More and more businesses will go bankrupt, and unemployment will go through the roof. The government will print even more money to prevent the economy from collapsing, which will plunge the value of the dollar. People will lose all their savings. Foreign investors will stop demanding dollars and interest rates will rise. Prices for almost everything will rise. Most finance companies will be ruined. The only good thing to come out of that is there will no longer be the profession of stockbroker.
It won’t be long before we have tax riots, then food riots. Obama can’t stop this and he’s got the wrong people in there who are ignorantly helping to bring it on. This will make the Great Depression look like Disneyland. Enjoy the relative calm before the storm, people, but don’t fool yourself into thinking we’re getting past it.