Both. It has helped a number of areas, I'd say mostly aesthetic. It has allowed a lot more people to receive subsistence wages (whether or not you think that is a good thing depends on you). Economically, it has facilitated the spread of neo-classical theory, or rather they are interdependent. It has allowed people to exchange information at a rate never before possible...
It has its good points and bad, only time will tell whether this thing that began in the 15th century (and which we all contribute to) will be a positive force.
Personally, I am glad that it happened. I couldn't think of a world with people so isolated from one another, but then again, hypothetically, there could be life "out there" and we are currently "isolated", but I think that I quite enjoy the cosmopolitanism the world has to offer now, so maybe back when people were extremely isolated they felt quite satisfied.
Aesthetically (for a middle class person), it is great though.
Illuminattile said:
It's a good thing, for consumers at least.
Or, they/we think it's a good thing, but really we are consuming ourselves into a crazy excess where 'enough' is not possible. We'll just wait and see whether this planet can take our consumerism.