Ex-Canadian Minister of Defence says USA using Alien technology


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Smells like conspiracy nonsense. I'm not buying it.

lol @ jon making a brief return. Whattup?

S. Fourteen

Well-Known Member
Yeah? - Ex US Ambassador to Ecuador says that all that UFO crap is bologna on rye.I don't believe this guy - actyually, this guy doesn't give me anything to believe - where are the fembots then? Huh? That's right! The Japanese are creating fembots without any alien technology simply out of the needs of Japanese men to have mates without any soul. That's right. That's leading to less reproduction which is leading to more production of fembots for diaper changing purposes in nursing homes, and again without any alien technology. Ha, I'll tell you what, those freaks in Akihabara are clearly not from this planet so I could be wrong about everything. That's right, wrong about everything, I tell you. The audience was clueless until he mentioned Iraq. He had the floor going nuts over that zinger Blah blah blah, the UFO crashed because it was shot down, but before they were shot down, the craft was hit by a lightning or so they thought, it was actually the gravity field that failed. Lucky for us we got the stealth technology from them so that our craft won't get shot down... wait a minute, I think I'm on to something here. Let's say we do have alien technology, can't these bunker scientists speed up the reverse engineering a bit? I want my f'n flying car. I'm willing to pay big bucks for it - HEAR THAT CORPORATE AMERICA?!

But that's not going to happen, because these aliens are "illegal aliens" from Mexico who brought us the technology of Urban Sombrero.

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