So I have the program CD Archtetict 5 by Sony....its a mastering program for audio and such if some of you dont know. From what I have read I can add hidden audio BEFORE the 1st track if my driver allows me, drivers that dont allow this require that you have a 2 second delay before the 1st track begins. Well, so happens my driver is like that so Im in the market to purchase a new, external CD-R/DVDR driver (hopefully with lightscribe technology) for the computer. The down side is that the boxes I have picked up so far do not specify if they allow this type of function (given that few drivers do), so I come to y'all for help if anybody knows of a driver which has this capablity seeing as the I cant find it on the net.
I hope I can get feedback in this thread that will help me on this quest.
I hope I can get feedback in this thread that will help me on this quest.