Technology best program for creating CD inserts etc?


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Which would you say is the best program for creating CD inserts, booklets, etc? I need something with a lot of options.

Thanks in advance.
well, you can usually buy paper that has special cutout things, or is semi-cut, and it usually comes with software. then, to make the covers, your best option would be photoshop and then importing into that program. i dont know any programs that are compatible with all the manufacturer's different paper layouts. but there might be a program that prints guidelines for where you are supposed to fold to have a perfect fit, so that would have good results with semi-gloss paper to give you a very professional look. i dont really know any programs though, so someone else will have to step in here


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Thanks Hymnz. Yeah I already got the dimensions pretty much right in photoshop, I just want to run them through a program that has templates for this kinda stuff, to make sure I got the sizes exactly right.

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