Technology Audio system


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hey I know there are many people here who know a lot about audio and audio systems. I'm using a Philips stereo like this:
but the plastic on speakers got old and it makes really unpleasant noises while playing bass so sound is not crystal clear any more. I've got a small room made into a kind of "media center" - Everything is connected to everything else using switches so my stereo is my only source of audio as it's connected to my tv, xbox and pc. Because of those unpleasant noises I have to listen to music on my headphones which are really great but it's annoying that I can't play anything on my speakers.

So the point is I want to buy some new audio system. I don't want it to play really loud - as I said it'll be in a small room. I just want a crystal clear sound (including clear, deep bass) and ability to connect it to few sources at the same time including pc,xbox,tv,mp3 etc. It would be also nice if it wouldn't be too big and expensive as I have other expenses.
Let's say it should be max around 400$ as electronics are a bit more expensive here in Poland.

You can also post your audio system with a short review. It'd be nice. Any input appreciated

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