And so did the Church 300 years ago, but today we are not being thaught religious dogma in our schools. Just secular science.
Atheism is the driving force behind today's scientific community. They rule modern academia and put faith in its beliefs. I'm not trying to bash Atheists nor do I hate them. But to point something out that I have noticed. I am only going to explain one side of how Atheism slowly advances human beings. The other side is more internal, meaning going down to the scientific level, probably alot more interesting but probably also half of the board wouldn't know a damn thing of what I would be talking about, but this is interesting also because there are unanswered questions in what I'm about to say. My rantings are going to be short.
There is a current division of science and spirituality, everybody should know this. It goes all the way back to the 17th century Descartes, the Frenchman and non-Atheist. Now, it is my personal belief that the two are interconnected. But, there is this paradigm of confinement within Atheism that wishes to further divide the two and proclaim everything unseen and unmeasureable to be fantasy and delusion.
Atheism has become the new dogmatic Church authority. If another scientist provides something that violates the communities bounds, they throw it away, never to be seen again. It makes them uncomfortable. Sounds like the Church Inquisition.
These days, instead of the tried-and-true burning at the stake, these ecclesiastical-like authorities have been replaced by some (not all) people who use the power of universities, governmental grantmaking institutions, and a closed-minded media to threaten the livelihood (through firing, denial of promotion or tenure, withholding of grant money, ridicule and sarcasm) rather than the actual lives of “heretical” scientists whose ideas and research projects don’t fit within accepted bounds.
Monumental discoveries have always been in opposition, look at Newton and Copernicus. It's interesting because these monumental discoveries were always outside of the box.
This is the end. It was fun. The real point is this: Athetists are scientific conservatives like American conservative Chrisitians. Nobody is really helping anybody. But the ones who do are the ones who have no limitations. God and science is interconnected and those who acknowledge that or just step out of that box of confinement can advance human beings ten-fold. Einstein, Bohr, Heisnberg, Newton (somewhat), Galileo, Schrodinger, Copernicus, and others have proved that theory.
Atheism is the driving force behind today's scientific community. They rule modern academia and put faith in its beliefs. I'm not trying to bash Atheists nor do I hate them. But to point something out that I have noticed. I am only going to explain one side of how Atheism slowly advances human beings. The other side is more internal, meaning going down to the scientific level, probably alot more interesting but probably also half of the board wouldn't know a damn thing of what I would be talking about, but this is interesting also because there are unanswered questions in what I'm about to say. My rantings are going to be short.
There is a current division of science and spirituality, everybody should know this. It goes all the way back to the 17th century Descartes, the Frenchman and non-Atheist. Now, it is my personal belief that the two are interconnected. But, there is this paradigm of confinement within Atheism that wishes to further divide the two and proclaim everything unseen and unmeasureable to be fantasy and delusion.
Atheism has become the new dogmatic Church authority. If another scientist provides something that violates the communities bounds, they throw it away, never to be seen again. It makes them uncomfortable. Sounds like the Church Inquisition.
These days, instead of the tried-and-true burning at the stake, these ecclesiastical-like authorities have been replaced by some (not all) people who use the power of universities, governmental grantmaking institutions, and a closed-minded media to threaten the livelihood (through firing, denial of promotion or tenure, withholding of grant money, ridicule and sarcasm) rather than the actual lives of “heretical” scientists whose ideas and research projects don’t fit within accepted bounds.
Monumental discoveries have always been in opposition, look at Newton and Copernicus. It's interesting because these monumental discoveries were always outside of the box.
This is the end. It was fun. The real point is this: Athetists are scientific conservatives like American conservative Chrisitians. Nobody is really helping anybody. But the ones who do are the ones who have no limitations. God and science is interconnected and those who acknowledge that or just step out of that box of confinement can advance human beings ten-fold. Einstein, Bohr, Heisnberg, Newton (somewhat), Galileo, Schrodinger, Copernicus, and others have proved that theory.