Assisted suicide.

What your thoughts on this.Are you for or against it,why or why not?

Although I do believe god should be the only one to decide when we die,same time i think those people who have incurable illness should have option if they want to end their life sooner so their soul can rest free and not suffer until they die naturally.

What you think,for or against and explain why.
There are only few places in the world that legalizes assisted suicide.
Oregon in US,Netherlands,Belgium, and Switzerland.
So there are a lot of people who are against this method.
The poblem is isnt it same as murder.If one helps another to killing isnt that considered murder?Also, if it be legal,would it not be difficult to differentiate murderers and people who helped assisted suicide?It would give advantage to suppose murderers who commit crimes, they could say i was doing assisted suicide.

Also,the difference between assisted suicide and euthanasia is assisted suicide when terminally ill person gets assistance to be killed by someone else and euthanasia is then what? Or its the same as a.s.
ya suicides fucked...but if you gotta do it, get it done right...get an extra hand :thumb: Lets be honest, you dont wanna survive a suicide attempt.


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Euthanasia is ok in my book. Some people are so ill that i can understand it why they'd rather die painlessly now than wait 3 years, suffer a lot, and then die.
It depends on whether you mean active euthanasia or passive euthanasia.
The latter would be not stopping someone from dying. Essentially, it's letting a disease or condition run it's course when it could be halted or stopped.
The former would be actively killing the person, for e.g. by giving them an overdose of medication or a lethal injection.

I'm not entirely sure how passive suicide differs from a patient's right to refuse treatment or a do not resuscitate order, if it differs at all.

I don't see a problem with either, as long as it's tightly controlled. Suicide isn't illegal, so why should assisted suicide be? Obviously it should only be an option for those who have a medical reason to seek suicide, rather than anyone walking past the hospital and feeling a bit depressed.


Staff member
Illuminattile said:
It depends on whether you mean active euthanasia or passive euthanasia.
The latter would be not stopping someone from dying. Essentially, it's letting a disease or condition run it's course when it could be halted or stopped.
The former would be actively killing the person, for e.g. by giving them an overdose of medication or a lethal injection.

I'm not entirely sure how passive suicide differs from a patient's right to refuse treatment or a do not resuscitate order, if it differs at all.

I don't see a problem with either, as long as it's tightly controlled. Suicide isn't illegal, so why should assisted suicide be? Obviously it should only be an option for those who have a medical reason to seek suicide, rather than anyone walking past the hospital and feeling a bit depressed.
Suicide is illegal, I believe.
S O F I said:
Suicide is illegal, I believe.
Yeah it is.

Pella - law isnt merely about charging people, it's a statement (a bit too heavily grounded on moral judgment for my liking but nevermind). And it's not like it has no effect... could take its exclusion from some life insurance policies for example.

As far as the topic is concerned, the other night I watched some movie from the Netherlands about terminal illness and euthanasia - it was a funny movie but kinda sad and confronting at the same time. heh.

I'm not against euthanasia in principle, I think under controlled environments, it is justifiable. My understanding of death doesnt centre around any God anyway, so I dont feel like euthanasia affronts nature or anything thing like that. But I do nevertheless feel somewhat uncomfortable with the idea, that's more do with my questioning how someone would make that decision - the difficult process rather than the actual decision itself.
It's your life, do what you want. I do not believe suicide is the right thing to do...but who does? I do not look down on people who consider suicide or even commit suicide. Everyone is different in their own ways and people deal with things that I could not even imagine to be humanily possible. Life is what you make it.

If I had a painfull diesease that was not able to be cured and the rest of my life would be pure suffering then i might consider it...but there is always that small chance something will change. Id like to take my chances on life though.
S O F I said:
Suicide is illegal, I believe.
Suicide is legal in the United Kingdom, and has been since 1961. It's also legal in the U.S., Canada and Australia, and probably most European countries. Attempted suicide is a different matter altogether...
Illuminattile said:
Suicide is legal in the United Kingdom, and has been since 1961. It's also legal in the U.S., Canada and Australia, and probably most European countries. Attempted suicide is a different matter altogether...
You mean assisted suicide is legal in UK,US,Canada and Aus not attempted suicide made by one to kill himself?


Staff member
Illuminattile said:
Suicide is legal in the United Kingdom, and has been since 1961. It's also legal in the U.S., Canada and Australia, and probably most European countries. Attempted suicide is a different matter altogether...
Hmm...Amara says otherwise. :)

Maybe she meant attempted...we shall see.

First one with proof gets a cookie from me.


New Member
As recently as the 1950s, people in Britain were still being sent to prison for attempting suicide. The 1961 Suicide Act repealed the law under which both actual and attempted suicides were held to be criminal acts. England and Wales were the last countries in Europe to decriminalise suicide. The word 'suicide', itself, has the implication of being a criminal act, literally meaning self-murder.

In Britain, at the beginning of the twenty-first century, with suicide no longer considered a crime, church membership at an all time low, a general loosening of moral prohibitions, and an emphasis on personal freedom, suicide or taking one's own life appears to be more socially acceptable than ever before. Certainly, there would appear to be fewer moral and psychological obstacles standing between people and the act of suicide.

Taken from

Be strong people its not worth it.

But answering your question, in UK it is not a crime to commit suicide or even attempt it!

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