I'm torn. On the one hand I see how it helps and why there's a need for it. On the other hand, it unfortunately will lead people to believe that someone only got a job due to their ethnicity.
Speaking from personal experience only.
However, it is still needed. For the most parts kids grow up around people who are similar to them... if it is the government who forces them to intermingle then so be it. Kids, teenagers, adults need diversity. Otherwise you have a lot of people who are basing their opinions on an entire group of people from the one person they know at the store or from the media's depiction of that group of people.
Also, minority children should be able to see actual people who they can relate to in the work place so they can have someone to look up to as role models. Little Black and Latino children do not identify with the White faces they see in power.
Furthermore, the diversity helps educate people so that when there happens to be only one person of color at a job or in a class... they are not subjected to ridiculous questions about their existence.
Minorities have to be well versed in European American culture for the most part. At least the majors as far as etiquette, what's rude or polite, the proper attitude one must have, etc. European Americans should have to know about the cultures of minorities as well. At least the main parts of whats rude or not.