Technology Advanced CD Ripping

I assume your talking about mp3 as it is the most popular. So it is a JStereo question? I quessing the thread priority would be stereo, j-stereo, forced stereo, and then mono . true stereo would be the best really. But joint stereo next.
makadon said:
mp3, AAC or Ogg? I assume your talking about mp3 as it is the most popular. So it is a JStereo question? I quessing the thread priority would be mono,forced stereo, j-stereo and then stereo. true stereo would be the best really. But joint stero next.
I just looked and my Itunes is setup to import music at 192 vbr joint stereo. The quality is great
It really depends which encoder your using. Some encoders allways encode J-stereo no matter what bitrate although at lower bitrates some encode IS. In J-stereo a mono channel the average of two stereo channels is the main channel. And then a side channel contains the difference between the channels. MS is better than IS. Intensity stereo just plian sucks i guess thats what you mean by forced stereo.


Well-Known Member
Thread priority is the amount of processor windows devotes to ripping the cd...from above normal where it takes priority thro various stages to realtime, which fucks up your pc, cos all in concentrates on is ripping the cd and causes all types of shit. Should normally be OK on normal, unless your gettin errors in the files and/or you PC is slow as shit.
It’s as much disk write access as it processing power and memory. Ripping anything takes up a lot of recourses even on my rig. Encoding DVD is a bitch also.

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