"George Bush doesn't care about Black People!" -Kanye West

haunted said:
He said that on a special on nbc about an hour ago and then they switched real quick to someone else.
I give him mad props for saying that, and one more Fuck the Media for not pressing him for why he felt that way.


Well-Known Member
There are a lot of black leaders speaking out. Race is an issue since almost everyone there is "black and poor", the phrase we keep hearing, but I can't say he is wrong or say he shouldn't of said that, he is speaking his mind and no hate to him. Time for everyone else to stand up and do the same.


New Member
K1NGP1N KuRuPT said:
that shit was funny, it sounded all random hahaha
Oh yeah. At first, Mike Myers just stands there as usual for a second but then finally reacts to what he said and looks at him funny lol!...


Well-Known Member
The best part about it is that they had like a scrit to read, thats what mike meyers was doing, and he kept looking at kanye like what are you doing. Then Kanye says that and he is like OMG, shit is funny.
LOL! Myers wasnt even finished reading his cue and switched over and caught Chris Tucker offguard. Kanye's too raw for live television - they should know that by now.
uh oh, the government is going to handle kanye like they did pac
96 shooting
but kanye is a fag so they'll throw fruit at him
it will be a drive-by fruiting

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